Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kjiji Time!

So, switching to a mostly gaming focus at this point...Just fyi.

The basics:
I've been working on a game.
Homebrew d12 success system.
The working title is Kjiji.
I've been working on it since high-school.
I want it to be perfect >.>

T said that I have a grasp of nuance greater than anyone that she knows.  This is problematic when trying to design a game that is realistic and quick to learn and play.

My goals are:  Make combat fast or if not fast, entertaining for everyone.
Short sessions with lots of content.
No sleepy Kitties.

I'm writing up pregen characters now for my intro adventure and I'm about halfway done.  We'll see how it turns out.  Gonna try to blog once a day.  Good luck to me.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog fail!

Wow, last week was a fail as far as blogging. Busy week, I suppose. And I haven't been playing any games at all, jesus, I'm doing it wrong. My friend D is playing FFTA for the first time, and it's making me want to pick it back up. I've been craving a good hand-held game lately. Suggestions?

Oh, I'll have to charge my DS before we go up to Rocky...But what game?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Arkham Horror and Darkspore

Arkham Horror is amazing. Steep learning curve, but amazing. seven of us took on Nyarlathotep and we won! Took us 7 and a half hours, but we won. None of us even fell asleep! For those of you who have never heard of it, Arkham Horror is a Lovecraftian horror/adventure board game where you try and prevent the consumption of the world by eldritch horror. There are three won conditions: close enough gates that the meany gives up, seal enough gates that it can't come through, or, if you fail to stop it from entering this plane, shoot/bludgeon/shiv it to death (not recommended). You get character cards and equipment and you move around the board doing encounters trying to find clue tokens. About every turn there is a new portal that opens with nasty demons (Dholes, for example) that claw their way out, then you get to go through the portal and try to close or seal it. It's basically the best game ever, and I'm currently pondering over a similar style game in a high-fantasy setting. Replace the eldritch horrors with dragons, ez mode.

Also, Darkspore! The Darkspore beta is back up, I thought it was over, but it's blessedly back! It's like Diablo meets Pokemon meets Spore Creature Creator. So much good. I'm looking for a crew of people that want to pre-order because they're having a deal on steam. Want. So. Hard.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day late

Damnit! I was doing so well this week! Oh well, better late than never (but never late is better). It's funny to me that I hadn't ever heard the second part of that saying until just recently. I think that's because my family is always late to stuff so the part that makes them seem worse was omitted.

Crafting! I'm (finally) working on the commission that my sister got for me. I crocheted her a case(?) for her DroidX that looks like a panda and apparently, someone she works with saw it and demanded one for her phone. This time it's an iPhone 4 and a monkey. This one should be easier to get the case for, but harder on the accessories(?), finishing touches might be a better term. This is my inspiration pic:

$20 (including shipping to Cali) for a cute little monkey with a pink bow, I think that's a pretty fair price.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ugghhh, ¿necesito postar (es una palabra?) todamente en español? No es facil. Primeramente, tengo solo tres (menos de) años de español, entonces no me insulta, por favor.

En mis clases de español este trimestre, hay muchos leidos. Tengo un examen en uno de mis clases la viernes quen viene, también tengo una critica de una pelicula que no he visto todo. Es la historia oficial cual no es tan dificil a aprender (especialmente con subtitulos ingleses), pero necesité encontraralo en Netflix. Traté de verlo durante trabajando hoy y, pues, no fue facil.

Creo que mirará el resto ahora, ¡deme suerte!

Monday, April 11, 2011


A couple of gaming things. First, Hoard is awesome. It's like a reverse RTS (I am really bad at RTS's usually, so it makes sense that I would like this game). You play as a dragon and you burn down towns, and steal princesses, kill knights. It's cool. Also cheap and multiplayer so I've been trying to recruit more people to play (it's on steam for $9 and I've played it every night for hours, so it's got some re-playability).

Secondly, these dice are fucking terrifying, and I NEED them. The question I have is why would you want to make dice worse to step on? I've been lucky enough to only step on my rounder dice barefoot, but I've heard horror stories about stepping on caltrop-like d4's in the middle of the night (blood everywhere). But really, actually adding spikes to the dice? I wish they had some pictures of the other colors, (the not-super-expensive ones), cause then I might get me some purple spikey dice...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Silly art class is silly

I'm taking an art curriculum and methods class this term, and our first real assignment coupled a scribble drawing with a word-wrap poem. A scribble drawing is where you scribble for 5 seconds and then look for something in those scribbles and then make it into a real drawing. A word-wrap poem is where you do free association (in this case based on what you drew) in a list and then fill in words before and after your list to make a poem.

Sounds kind of ridiculous, right? Right. Well, it's designed for elementary students, so it makes sense. I couldn't seem to not make my poem into a limerick, not sure why. It didn't end up being as dirty as it could have, and I'm kind of glad.

Here is the end result:

~The Prince of Town~
There was a young prince of a town
Who would prance around town in his crown
He danced country and courtly
Swing, contra, and lordly
Some say there was fire in his pants.

Like I said, could have been way worse.